Tag Archives: Terschelling

My Parachute has Five Colours!

I have read the book, took lots of notes, and  you know, at the end of it all – with information overload – I couldn’t decide just what colour my parachute is.  I am so glad that parachutes are not just one colour.

This picture has most of my colours in it, and maybe one day, I will find the courage to take a leap with just such a parachute to help me land!

A few years ago I was wandering around Europe and trying to figure out what direction I should take in my life.  I was still trying to figure out what one colour I should pick.  I sat in gardens in Cambridge, England, churches in London, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and in other quiet nooks and crannies in the Netherlands.  Then at the end of my “tour” I went to the Dutch island of Teschelling.  I went there because everyone else seems to have gone to the bigger island of Texel, and I wanted to do something different.  Terschelling is that!  As I wandered and pondered, I saw this bench and had my  epiphany!

I sat down and wrote this:  What colour is my parachute?  Too many colours – all the colours Prisma makes and more!  So because I am on Terschelling I will choose their five colours and make something happen!

Well, it’s been a while since I wrote that.  But that doesn’t mean I can’t get focused and get moving.  So here are the colours, and what they will mean to me during the coming year:

While RED is for the roofs of Terschelling, I chose it to represent a dream of some urgency in my life.  For the year 2011 it will represent my health.  Red is the colour of my blood, and I want my blood to be good, and my bloor pressure to improve.  I have a stack of  light red paper and everything that has to do with food or exercise gets printed on that paper.  This includes articles, recipes, menu plans and whatever.

Blue represents the skies. Originally I thought it would be something I was currently working on – because ” it’s always easy to find a blue pen” .  The idea was that I could have a pen for each colour! For now it represents things that I am creating or wanting to create.  Lately it’s been knitting patterns, but I’m sure more ideas will be coming and I’ll be able to keep track of them better if I know they’re on blue!

Yellow is the colour of the beach grass and I thought it could represent a goal for the future – something that I wasn’t working on yet. It’s become the colour of my work.  I have been studying to become an ESL teacher, and all my notes from the classes were printed on yellow paper, so I just kept that going.  If I find something that relates to this  – well print it, file it and store it in yellow!

Green is the colour of the grass – and there is a lot of it on the island.  Then I thought it could be a dream for my enjoyment – but I don’t have one just yet.  However green also represents money, and I have chosen it to represent the financial side of my life.  I have a “bit” of debt to dig my way out of, and some saving to do!

White is for the sand of the island, and the beaches were beautiful.  Then I thought it could represent any new dreams that might come my way.  But white is all the colours put together, and I have decided to let it represent the spiritual covering of all the colours.

Right now I am using a lot of red as I focus on my health!  More about that later.

This is my first post of the new year, and I wish us all a joyful year – where dreams become goals and goals become achievements!


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Filed under RED: Losing weight, gaining fitness, strength and new cooking ideas